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  • Philadelphia Cricket & Community Club | Cricket

    Cricket The Club runs 4 senior teams (which include many juniors) and 5 junior teams: All players are welcome, irrespective of age, gender, ability or experience. ​ Our Junior Academy was set up in 2003. Its aim is to provide opportunities for young people to play cricket and to develop their cricketing skills. ​ The Club is proud of its record in giving many local young people their first taste of cricket, whilst at the same time supporting the most talented youngsters in achieving representative honours at county and national level. ​ Currently, 3 players of the Durham County Cricket Club senior squad, i.e. Ben Raine, Scott Borthwick and Matthew Potts, all represented Philadelphia CCC at junior level.

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  • Philadelphia Cricket & Community Club | Malcolm Pratt Lounge

    Malcolm Pratt Lounge This room is self-contained with its own access to the bar serving area. It has recently been renovated to a very high standard and can be configured to suit your requirements. The room has patio doors leading to the cricket ground and has several large windows providing a panoramic view of the cricket ground. The room has access to a kitchen if required and also contains disabled toilet facilities and can be configured to provide a dance floor. The room will accommodate any size of party up to 100 people.

  • Philadelphia Cricket & Community Club | Monthly Prize Draw

    Monthly Prize Draw Monthly Prize Draw Why not put your name in the Monthly Prize Draw which is drawn towards the end of each month? Simply email Dave Carr at with your details and you’ll be included in the draw. The prize money is : 1st - £100, 2nd - £2 5, 3rd - £ 10. If you would like to pay by standing order, the Club's account details are:- ​ Account Name: Philadelphia Cricket & Community Club Sort Code: 05-09-37 Account Number: 51033719 ​ All monies raised are invested into the Club’s Cricket Section. All winners are notified by e-mail and displayed on the Club’s website. ​ Please see below for the 12 previous winners. Monthly Prize Draw Winners

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  • Philadelphia Cricket & Community Club | Customer Registration

    Customer Registration If you are not currently a member of the Club but would like to receive emails from us regarding future events, then please complete our customer registration form . ​ If, at any time, you wish to unsubscribe, then please reply to any of our emails with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line or email us at . We will then delete all of your data from our systems. Forename(s) Surname Gender Female Male Email Address Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Address Line 3 Postcode Home Tel No. Mobile Tel No. Submit Thank you for registering your details with us to receive emails re future events.

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